Rathmore Grammar School
Rathmore Grammar School, normally referred to simply as ‘Rathmore’, is a Catholic grammar school in Finaghy, Belfast. It is one of the leading grammar schools in Northern Ireland and is one of the top-four oversubscribed schools in the country. Rathmore Grammar School is paired with the Nicolaus-Cusanus-Gymnasium in Bonn and Colegio de San José in Madrid. The school was graded as ‘Very Good’ by ETI in 2012.
Exam: GL
School: Mixed grammar school
Test Month: November
Results Sent to Parents: February
Allocations: 1st March 2020
Student Population: 1269
Rathmore Grammar School
Kingsway Finaghy
Belfast County Antrim
BT10 0LF
Kingsway Finaghy
Belfast County Antrim
BT10 0LF