Nursery, 3+ & 4+ Maths Fundamentals Programme
Pre-Nursery and Nursery Pupils - Age Range 2 - 4 Year Olds
What is the aim of the Four Plus Maths Fundamentals Programme?
Objectives include:
- Preparing Pre-Nursery and Nursery pupils to sit the Four Plus exam
- Preparing nursery pupils to cope and even excel when in Reception class at school
- Introducing maths to 2 to 4 year olds in a fun and enjoyable way
Topics include:
- Say and recognise numbers above 20
- Count a number of objects/pictures up to 20 consistently
- Order numbers within 20
- Recognise and know even and odd numbers
- Recognise and continue simple number sequence
- Count in twos, fives and tens orally
- Have awareness of numbers up to 100
- Add and subtract within 20
- Recognise 2D and 3D shapes and their properties
- Tell the time using language such as o'clock and half past
- Know the order of the days of the week & months of the year
- Solve simple mental mathematical problems