Year 1, 6+ & Pre 7+ Einstein Maths Level one Programme
Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 - Age Range 4 to 6 Year Olds
What is the aim of the Pre-Seven Plus Maths Programme?
Objectives Include:
- Preparing Reception and Year 1 pupils to forge ahead and even excel by the time they arrive in Year 1 or Year 2 at school
- Ensuring all Year 1 and 2 pupils plug any gaps in their foundational knowledge of Key Stage 1 Maths
- Preparing Year 2 pupils for SATs assessment
Topics include:
- Recognition of numbers up to 1000
- Addition and subtraction to 100
- All addition and subtraction bonds up to 20
- Number doubles up to 20
- Multiplication using 2, 5 and 10 times tables
- Division using times tables
- Fractions of shapes
- Fractions including quarters and halves of whole numbers
- Recognition of time and reading time: half-past, quarter past, quarter to
- Recognition and properties of 2D shapes; 3D shapes
- Simple symmetry
- Simple graphs
- Money, coin recognition and addition and subtraction
- Problem solving involving money, and addition and subtraction
- Mental maths practice and strategies
- Picture and number sequences
- Non-verbal reasoning