Reasons to promote teamwork in your child
19 March 2021

Reasons to promote teamwork in your child

A task is done with collaboration and cooperation, yields better chances of good results and success. Cooperative learning is considered one of the best methods of enhancing students learning in which groups of pupils carry out activities together.

In most approaches of training, having your children working together in teams or groups for particular lessons or tasks has been observed as a required approach to use.

Most teachers and parents with effective abilities to understand the children, practice the group effort as a factor in their complete method. Studying and working as team members or groups not only intensifies children's participation actively, but it also boosts their skills of social development, communication is enhanced, and independence increases.

 Students who work together, share ideas with one another and learn from each other promote real learning. Planning carefully and choosing different tasks are compulsory if group work is to accomplish the chosen educational and social outcomes. The ultimate success of cooperative group tasks depends on the configuration of the groups who are working and the nature of the work set for the students.

The important strategies that will help your child work better in group tasks are as follows:

 Size of Group:

Group size is very important for your child. Don’t make too large or too small groups as small groups will be having fewer ideas to share and large groups are going to have too many ideas. Make a group of 4 to 6 students.

 Merits of groups

While you are making groups, choose students carefully as they have to cooperate with each other, so there will be a leader, a moderator, and followers and there will be no hustle and quarrel between them. This technique makes it much calmer to make resources and to manage time successfully.

 Rules and Regulations

 Making groups and let them work on their own is not enough. Members of the group have to be taught about how to work collectively. You have to teach them rules and regulations that how they are supposed to behave that will encourage cooperation – listening to the opinions of other group members, sharing ideas, praising one other, and offering help to one other.


Either you are a teacher or a parent, settling them in groups needs monitoring off and on as some students bully each other silently so make sure all of them are working and participating equally. You are allowed to intervene whenever it seems to you necessary to give them suggestions, encourage their work, and teach them they are doing great.

 Seating Arrangement

One of the most important strategies in group tasks is the seating arrangement. Never make a seating arrangement directed towards a leader facing him/her, instead make a round table group so everyone could see each other and will be able to share materials and ideas easily.


TEAM: Together                 Everyone                  Achieves               More


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