4 Key Reasons Why Parents are Choosing Supplementary
05 December 2017

4 Key Reasons Why Parents are Choosing Supplementary

Supplementary Education: What's all the Fuss?

Saturday Schools and supplementary tuition is providing a bridge for many parents and pupils, to make possible their academic goals that are beyond existing mainstream provision.  Below is a list of the main reasons why parents are investing in supplementary education including other benefits.

Primary Parental Prompts
  • Plug learning gaps
  • Extra practise in specific ‘problem’ subject areas
  • Preparation for entrance exams to selective schools
  • Schools are under pressure to secure high status in the league tables and may consequently seek the best student candidates –– making competition for places in leading schools tough. In response, supplementary tuition is now viewed by parents, as a solution and becoming significantly popular.
More Benefits   
  • Leaders are Readers help develop positive study habits and attitude to learning 
  • Our programmes and methods provide pupils with opportunities to develop self-confidence and higher aspirations for themselves
  • Saturday school can empower gifted students to develop their skills and talents as they are given an outlet to learn topics more advanced than their school years.
  • Those with learning difficulties are exposed to a new learning environment where research-based teaching strategies create additional opportunities for them to learn.
  • Pupils will be learning core content information that may be omitted at regular school due to a variety of constraints that teachers increasingly face.
  • Leaders are Readers incorporate many teaching methods including technology, children are able to carry on learning between Saturday lessons through worksheets and online courses provided 24/7 free of charge.  
  • Tutors who teach at our Saturday schools love teaching for a few reasons namely; Saturday school is often calmer; much less formal with smaller classes. Therefore teachers tend to be more relaxed themselves. Teaching in this context also lends itself to be more strategic and thorough.   Children enjoy an experience more akin to private school.
  • Saturday school can often be attended in short two or four hour chunks with lots of breaks in between, to maximise pupil’s capacity to learn/focus. These opportunities can change pupils’ attitude/approach to their education.  
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